Workshop Lausanne

Our innovative structure Oidalis brings together a network of professionals energized by the desire to pass on their expertise and passion to the younger generations. It is in this context that we organize workshops in Lausanne and its surroundings.

Oîdalis, an innovative structure for your fun workshop in Lausanne


Our unique structure, responding to the name Oîdalis, was designed with a single goal: to support young people in their search for experiences and information on the professional world.

It is in this context that we believe and value several things:

  • The creation of a world connected by the desire to transmit what is best in oneself
  • The knowledge and wisdom that comes from it is central to what connects us to each other.
  • Knowledge and the networks that carry it are open to all of us, where every experience, whatever it is, is told and listened to.
  • The source is neither distant nor abstract but near your home, where it is no longer a question of looking for meaning but of shaping it.
  • Education concerns us all, where passions and stories meet to tell.

This is how the fun workshops are for us privileged activities so that young adults can nurture new projects by deepening certain subjects while easily approaching experts in their fields. What to come out completely enriched!

We regularly organize workshops with various educational themes in the heart of Lausanne :

  • psychology
  • wedding planner or "wedding planner"
  • adobe photoshop
  • body percussion
  • business development
  • photography / photography
  • journalism with the journalist workshop
  • project management
  • negotiation or negotiation workshop
  • well-being / wellbeing
  • cupcake
  • bank / bank
  • finance
  • home building
  • tattoo
  • meditation

An educational workshop in Lausanne: what for?

The term "workshop" is used more and more by companies and even by schools. But what does the term “workshop” really define?

Word " workshop "Could be translated in French by" collaborative workshop ". It is a group meeting where each person present participates actively, a kind of brainstorming. In the organization of a workshop, the subject and the objective of the meeting are defined in advance by the organizers.

A workshop can meet many objectives, whether they are:

  • Build a reflection
  • Sharing knowledge or know-how
  • Find an idea
  • Build a project

Workshops are most of the time organized in companies (often by large organizations) for employees from different divisions.


Many educational structures have adopted this concept. In particular, there are workshops in art or architecture schools, for example.


A workshop in Lausanne or elsewhere is often made up of an audience with very diverse horizons: subject experts, curious people, novices, students… It is this variety of audiences that creates a real emulation of knowledge and creativity. A workshop is a unique opportunity to get people who do not usually work together in order to allow them to meet while bringing them together around a project.


The advantages of creating a workshop in Lausanne

Getting together around a workshop has many advantages, especially in terms of educative.


This is firstly what allows us to use a creative and innovative method with young people in order to help them build themselves. The Workshop is indeed a perfect opportunity to organize a dynamic workshop where one is brought to move and especially to exchange!


Moreover, in a workshop, everyone is at the same level. Without hierarchy, it is easier to realize that all ideas are good, no matter who they come from. Our young people can thus build themselves in the idea that everyone can get involved in decision-making, and not just the bosses and decision-makers!


A workshop is also an ideal activity to obtain various opinions on the same subject. This is often what is the key to good decisions in the professional world. In order to review a logo, for example, we can listen: members of management, employees, loyal customers, difficult customers, prospects… And even strangers to the brand!


Obviously, ideas, trends and things change quickly, but a workshop allows young people to understand that it is good to be satisfied with having listened to what each participant had to say. This is also what makes it possible to reject overly simplistic ideas which are not innovative!